PONG Quest: uno sguardo in video gameplay al titolo di Atari su Nintendo Switch

Recentemente abbiamo pubblicato un video gameplay dedicato a PONG Quest, titolo disponibile ora anche su Nintendo Switch.

L’RPG basato sul classico arcade game PONG di Atari, e’ stato pubblicato il 7 maggio 2020 sull’eShop europeo e americano di Nintendo Switch.

Potete trovare il video in merito al titolo di seguito.

The Paddle Battle Begins….An Adventure 48 Years in The Making

Embark upon an epic adventure in PONG Quest as you take on the challenge for King and country in a journey across numerous themed dungeons populated with all manner of paddles, puzzles and balls.

Customize your hero and take up the challenge in new PONG battle gameplay featuring over 50 different types of balls each with their unique abilities. Solve puzzles and gather precious loot as you uncover the secrets of the Orbs on a journey to unlock the mystery of the Spooky Door.

Play with up to 4 other players in multiplayer mayhem battles, select your balls and perfect your own loadout as you clash with other paddles for supremacy within the PONG universe.

No balls, no problem! Play with classic rules and show the world who is the best paddle on the planet.

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